Our Pledge

It's simple. We want all of our customers to be completely satisfied with our products and service. If you have any problems, questions or comments, here is how we can be reached.

Hours (Central Standard Time)

Monday - Friday:

7:00 AM - 9:00 PM


8:00 AM - 1:00 PM



Warranty, Merchandise Or Delivery

Please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-280-9709 (bilingual).

Billing or Financing

Please call our Credit Department at 1-800-280-9708 (Spanish) or 1-800-280-9709 (English).

All Other Matters

Please call our Customer Care Department at 1-800-280-9709 (bilingual).


[email protected]

Give Us a Call

Call 1-800-280-9709 to talk directly to a Customer Service Representative (bilingual).

We look forward to serving you!


We take the security of our users' information very seriously and investigate all reported concerns.

If you believe you have found a security issue within any of Hy Cite's services, e-mail the details of your findings to

[email protected].

If you're a security researcher sending technical vulnerability details, please use PGP to protect the message by using our

Public PGP Key.

About us

SureHealth Group is a leading cookware company founded by Kola and Vanetta Jebutu, dedicated to promoting healthy, sustainable cooking. Operating in the UK and Nigeria, we offer high-performance kitchenware designed to help families prepare nutritious meals without excess oils or high heat. Committed to quality, innovation, and community empowerment, SureHealth makes healthy cooking simple and accessible.

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